Fall 2022 Crease Pattern Bundle
Origami tessellations span the range from relaxingly repetitive to impossibly perplexing, especially when they are folded from crease patterns.
This crease pattern collection has 13 tessellations that cover that whole range while being foldable one twist at a time (none require precreasing, although it can help on a first attempt).
The dominant feature of this collection is extended symmetry applications on standard tilings.
These tessellations were featured on the Gathering Folds Instagram page in the fall of 2022 and represent a small fraction of my total designs.
Several of the patterns have links to video tutorials for at least the central motif, while all link to a video of me discussing the pattern and almost all link to a list of suggested patterns to practice first.
If you'd like to get the best deal on my crease patterns, check out Tessellation Garden, the living library of my designs that has recommended next-easier and next-harder designs for every crease pattern.
The tessellations included are:
- Hybrid Hex Weave
- Star Weave
- Skew Lines
- Groovy Triangles
- Shrinking Violet
- Spinning Saws
- Hybrid Rosettes
- Open Tri Linked Flowers
- Crossroads
- Siren's Call
- Criss Crossed
- Meandering Squares
- Promenade